How to create your Facebook sales tunnel for your e-commerce?

published on 03 August 2022

If you have an e-commerce store, one of the biggest challenges is figuring out how to get more traffic to your site.

Paid ads bring visitors to your site and then offer you the opportunity to sell your products to those visitors.

Facebook is a very powerful traffic vector that allows you to acquire new visitors and convert them into customers.

It sounds simple...

But when you monetize traffic, there are some important steps to follow.

And that always includes setting up an effective sales or conversion funnel.

Why make a sales tunnel?

Remember that you are not just trying to sell to anyone who visits your site!

Keep in mind that when you pay for traffic, you need to make sure you get the best possible conversion rate.

Also, the average order value (AOV) should be as high as possible in order to get the most out of your ad spend.

An advertising funnel or sales tunnel starts from the impression of your ads on your prospect's news feed and ends with a purchase.

Throughout this process, it is critical that you communicate the right message at the right time. The goal is to lead the visitor from one step to the next until the purchase.

To create a good conversion tunnel, there are no secrets, it takes time, a lot of testing and experimentation. It is a constant work that needs to be done on your site, your ads, your products etc.

We would like to share with you some tips to create your tunnel and thus avoid wasting too much money and time on your testing budget.

Choose your target audience

Before sending traffic to your website, it is necessary to establish a certain qualification strategy.

You need to select the right audience to target, then send them into your sales tunnel, which will give you the best return on your advertising spend.

At this stage, it is important to have a clear idea of your customer avatar, their pains, their needs and how your product or solution could solve your prospect's problems.

To properly select your audience, try to establish a customer avatar by thoroughly researching their desires, motivations and objections. Read this article to learn how to create your customer avatar(s).

Choose your audience carefully.

Each audience segment has different motivations and will consider your product in different ways before buying your solution.

It's very important to segment your audience correctly in order to keep your conversion rate high but also to give the right signals to Facebook to lower your CPM.

To learn more about how to find your audience for your Facebook ads, we have an article on this subject.

Discovery phase: Top of Funnel (TOF)

The discovery phase: the Top of Funnel (TOF) is the most important part of the conversion tunnel. Here you normally target cold audience 🥶 i.e. who do not know your brand.

The goal is to capture attention and get them to engage with your ad (to get a reaction or a click).

Since this is the first point of contact, the first impression is important.

That's why it's important to have worked on the customer avatar in order to build your ad to align the motivations, desires, problems, benefits of your product with the target audience. You can also use the Facebook Audience Insights tool to learn more about Facebook audiences.

When they click, they land on your website or landing page.

Stay congruent.

If your ad is promoting a product collection you can redirect to your landing page that features the collection and your current offer. If you are promoting a product, redirect to the product page.

The best conversion rates are usually to an optimized landing page where all distractions (menu, social links etc.) have been removed.

Here are some recommended tools for making landing pages: Unbounced, Instapage. If you are on WordPress, you can use Elementor.

The important information of your product page (title, price, photo) should ideally be in the waterline ("above the fold") for e-commerce.

To optimize your pages, look at user behavior with an analytics tool like Hotjar.

Finally, keep in mind that your page must be fast to load. Analyze the speed of your site in general and optimize especially the pages to which your ads point. To do so, compress your images, use lazy-loading, use a CDN, minimize your javascripts or your css style sheets. Call a developer if necessary or use free tools to start.

Consideration phase: Middle of Funnel (MOF)

The consideration phase: Middle of Funnel: contains the audience whose attention has been captured by the discovery phase.

They watched your video, interacted with your Facebook or Instagram page, liked or saved your ad BUT did not go to your site.

Often they haven't had the time or taken the time to check out your site, so you'll need to target them with ads that talk more about the benefits and features of your product, testimonials etc.

Your MOF ads are often different from the discovery phase. They are longer (30-60 seconds) and more focused on your company or product benefits.

Decision phase: Bottom of Funnel (BOF)

The decision phase: Bottom of Funnel consists of retargeting people who were on your site. Since they know your brand or product, we will use very different ads than in the other phases such as

  • Different offers.
  • Time-limited discount coupons.
  • Customer testimonials. 
  • Risk reversal, guarantees, free deliveries or bonuses..

Loyalty phase

The loyalty phase is there to continue to sell and to serve your customer well and to propose them cross-sell offers for example.

This conversion tunnel is more or less long depending on your product! The consideration phase for the purchase of a luxury watch will be longer than for a t-shirt!

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